IM Veterinaria: PetShoppers, preparados para el cliente digital, pero intranquilos ante el posible cambio normativo

La apuesta por la omnicanalidad para llegar a nativos digitales y la construcción del valor de una marca comprometida con las inquietudes de la sociedad, posibles salidas del negocio para afrontar el actual contexto convulso. Se aprecia un factor común en las mesas redondas del 4º Fórum Aedpac que se celebra en el marco de la feria Iberzoo+Propet […]
Transforming Operations

Industrial Excellence Award Europe 2019 As IESE MBA alumni I had the chance to assist today at the Industrial Excellence Award Europe 2019, hosted by IESE Business School in Barcelona and conducted by professor Eduard Calvo (IESE) and Arnd Huchzermeier (WHU). Since 1995, the Industrial Excellence Award (IEA) competition benchmarks Management Quality for European competitiveness in the industrial […]
Challenges on Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Interesting and inspiring webinar delivered by @Javier Zamora @ IESE Business School – University of Navarra about the challenges that directors are facing in regards to #digitaltransformation . I would like to share with you some of the points I found relevant. It is basic to understand the complete value that customers percept from […]
Energy Microgrid

Energy Microgrid, Blockchain and Brooklyn This post is about one of the most pioneers initiatives within the energy sector. It’s about microgrid . What is microgrid about? Microgrid in the energy sector makes reference to connect consumers and small producers within a community, neighborhood, town or city.Below are some advantages that microgrids offer compared to […]
Blockchain to break the wheel of the energy sector

Blockchain disrupts the energy sector We are living in a world in constant evolution. Technology developments of the decades after the internet expansion, far from decelerating are growing unstoppable. This growth is due to that humanity counts, for its first time, with a digital mindset generation and thanks to internet: interconnected. Those two factors allow […]